JUIDA Managing Director Mr. Kakuya Iwata gave speech at the “HANDA” in Cebu, Philippines


The “HANDA PILIPINAS SABAGONG PILIPINAS: Innovations in Climate and Disaster Resilience Nationwide Exposition 2024 Visayas Leg” Exhibition was held in Cebu, Philippines for three days from July 24 to 26, 2024, and JUIDA’s Managing Director Mr. Kakuya Iwata gave a remote speech.

The “HANDA” Exhibition was a three-day exhibition organized by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) of the Philippines. DOST is a Philippine administrative agency that works daily to carry out and support science and technology-related plans throughout the Philippines. JUIDA received an official request from DOST to exhibit, and in cooperation with CVISNET FOUNDATION, a Philippine MOU partner, we exhibited a booth to promote JUIDA’s activities.

JUIDA’s Managing Director Mr. Kakuya Iwata gave a speech titled “Drone Works in the Noto Earthquake,” in which he talked about the local efforts of JUIDA, various organizations, and various companies in the Noto Peninsula earthquake of 2024, which occurred on January 1 this year. In addition, CVISNET FOUNDATION and several other organizations gave lectures at the same time, and at the end, a roundtable discussion was held by connecting the local area with Japan via live broadcast. JUIDA will continue to play an important role in disaster recovery not only in Japan but also overseas.

▼Scenes from the day (video)

■For more information, please contact
 JUIDA International Relations and Development